Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On Sara's & Nick's Engagement

As I heard it,  a street drunk downtown actually witnessed the moment Nick proposed to our Sara. After a day planned at Virginia Beach where Nick had spent some of his boyhood, and being crowded out of simple privacy, the youngsters made their way back home. At about 11:30 P.M. the ring was free from its vault in Nick's pocket and lovingly placed on her hand. Apparently they were somewhere between two parking lots under a street light. The drunk was in the bushes.

Kelli and Brad (Nick's parents), Frances Jo and I kinda' knew that something special was in the making. The third anniversary of their friendship was approaching and we had all been appropriately involved in their courtship. Mom's and Dad's can figure it out when their daughter begins to ask questions such as " We were thinking about getting married after Nick graduates. Whatya' think?"
Sissy Mae

As Dad of just one daughter who happens to also be the baby of four kids, I proved my credentials by going through a whole host of emotions as I reflected on "giving her away" to the protection, care, leadership and intimacy of another young man. My greatest comfort came from something Sara had shared with me during her teen years:"Daddy, I want the Lord to bring to me a man whose love for Jesus will make me want to love Him more."

Nick had called me earlier in the week to request whether we could talk. We coordinated a breakfast at IHOP for the next morning. Again, the internal dialogue about how to approach our pending tete-a-tete. I thought about Tommy Lee Jones as Loretta Lynn's future husband meeting her father in Coal Miner's Daughter. Somehow the only line in the encounter between Melvin "Ted" Webb (Butcher Hollow, Kentucky) and Oliver Vanetta Lynn ("Doo") which stuck in my memory was "Whatever you do, don't hurt my daughter." But Nick didn't need me reprising a hillbilly dad talking about his 15 year old daughter. I elected to sit with him, listening to his heart and assuring him of the multi-generational support he and Sara would receive from his parents and us.

I did challenge him with two exhortations: 1) Make it your life-long commitment before the Lord to study Sara. Ask the Lord to help you discern her hopes and dreams, her fears and doubts, her sense of God’s call upon her life with you. 2) Be prepared to lay down your life for Sara…she’s worth it. Many other mano y mano topics were discussed (which will remain mano y mano). Fran's and mine delight in this young man have been confirmed consistently in his quiet strength, gentle manner, witty humor and spiritually teachable spirit. Nick and Sara have grounded their relationship in a godly Christ-honoring friendship.
The Dollar Dowry is exchanged at IHOP

The next day I had the honor of announcing to our congregation on behalf of Frances Jo and myself their betrothal with a pending wedding time frame of June 2013. I publicly marvelled that a new adventure was well underway for an Army Brat in love with a Navy Brat. We rejoice in the wonderful friendship we share with Brad and Kelli; and we look forward to backstopping the rearing of our grandchildren (D.V.) (Am I getting ahead of myself?)

See you at the Potter's wheel!
G.K. Sexton

" Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7