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Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. Leviticus 25:10 |
America is best understood not so much in ethnic terms, socio-economic models or even her Judeo-Christian heritage (as prominent as that used to be). In my view she is about the essential commitment to the inalienable right to Liberty. Liberty is the sine qua non oxygen that makes possible our existence in the temporal realm. And even that is possible because of the sovereign providence of The God Who is There. (cf. Francis A. Schaeffer)
Sadly, in our human brokenness and sinful orientation, we are too prone to seek "freedom from" rather than "freedom in" the security of God's covenant love for His people. As image-bearers we are hard-wired for libery. In the Garden our first parents were established in the optimum conditions for true freedom. Adam freely chose bondage to the Liar who sought to ruin the loving relationship between Creator and creature. Ever since the Race of Men have tried to barge back into the Garden on its own terms only to be frustrated and miserable at every turn.
The wreckage of these failed methods (Babel, Golden Calfs, Asherah Altars, Self-righteous Pharisaism, most of Pop Culture, Greed, Adultery, Murder, Indifference, Apathy, Indolence) is strewn along the paths of human experience and history. Too many souls wimper their distress, finding themselves chained in dungeons of disillusion, dispair, desperation, deathly dullness or dreary distraction. Here they may even resemble sophisticated trolls squatting in the shadows shaped by the disappointing pale lights of self-indulgence, self-absorption or a faux self-sufficiency.
As C.S. Lewis mused, many of us are too satisfied playing in a mud puddle in London, rather than spending a day at the beach. By contrasts others dismiss their ennui by clamoring for prestige, power, prosperity, personal peace and affluence; or they hunker down on their stuff, roll up their sidewalks and ignore the answering machine or doorbell.
Into these gulags/ghettos a Liberator has come. He has heralded the great declaration of independence: "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." (cf. John 8:32) ."He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free." (John Wesley, O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing). More importantly He bought back His people from the slaveblock of sin by the price of a bloody Cross. His blood. Release from bondage to our various idols, our vain imaginations, our spiritual blindness/deafness is loving offerd of all who will exchange their self-confidence for a child-like trust in the Son of Liberty.
On our 236th birthday as a sovereign nation we remind one another that "freedom isn't free." We celebrate with traditional parades, fireworks, barbeques with family and friends. We remember the sacrifice of forefathers who resolved: "And for the support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
Not only has God placed an unquenchable thirst for Liberty in every breast; He has placed within the hearts of His people a yearning for Eternity where we shall tirelessly praise the Liberating Lamb of God.
See you at the Potter's wheel!
G.K. Sexton
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